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Dezentraler Kommunikationsraum Kreuzung

Decentralised communication at intersections

A contribution from the VDA flagship initiative on autonomous and connected driving

Inner-city intersections pose one of the most difficult challenges when it comes to road traffic.  Situations in intersections are complex, varied and can be somewhat confusing, especially in periods of high traffic. This already applies for human road users. In the face of the increasing automation of traffic, this is becoming a technical task.

This is where DEKOR-X comes into play: mitigating the dangers of intersections through decentralised communication. Intelligent, automatic vehicles share information gathered by their sensors with each other, thereby increasing safety for all: not only for the vehicles and their occupants, but also for vulnerable, unconnected road users who are promptly detected by various sensors. The overarching goal is to make even complex inner-city intersections manageable for automated and autonomous vehicles by means of a comprehensive, up-to-date image of the environment.

The central research approach so far has been aimed at creating “smart” roads – using traffic lights with radar systems, cameras and other additional sensors. However, DEKOR-X’s approach, is to provide intelligent, decentral connected vehicles with a real-time view of the entire traffic situation. These share their knowledge with each other while being supported by digital movement models and experience from the back-end. Pre-existing infrastructure sensors can be integrated for support. However, unlike in other research approaches, infrastructure sensors are only an optional component.


How does DEKOR-X want to achieve this?

  • DEKOR-X expands the field of view through the direct, decentralised exchange of sensor and model data.

  • DEKOR-X masters complex situations through shared experience from the back-end.

  • DEKOR-X reduces the need for additional static infrastructure thanks to the decentralised, cooperative intelligence of the vehicles.


In doing so, DEKOR-X builds on work from projects such as @CITY and intensifies work from its sister project STADT:up.

Key project data

Contracting authority: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and    

Climate Action (BMWK)

Project funding administration: TÜV Rheinland AG

Duration: January 2023 to December 2025

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